Salted caramel truffles are the easiest chocolate truffles ever, and can be made with only 3 ingredients! They're impressive, delicious, and a fraction...
Fresh Apricot Coconut Muffins are healthier whole grain muffins studded with chunks of sweet apricot, coconut and the flavor of orange zest and vanilla....
These Almond Dragees are crunchy, caramelized almonds tossed in chocolate, then dusted with cocoa powder or powdered sugar. They’re gluten and dairy free!
Red Velvet Sandwich Cookies taste like cake mix cookies but they’re homemade. They’re soft and chewy, with a luscious cream cheese frosting, and they...
Homemade Marshmallows with Chocolate and Peppermint are easy, homemade peppermint marshmallows drizzled with chocolate and topped with peppermint crunch!
There’s nothing like caramelized, roasted veggies, and these Roasted Zucchini and Mushrooms will be a family favorite! This is an easy side dish that...